You may hear messages like: some of the text is unreadable, text seems blurry, skipping unreadable text, not all the page is in view, text is upside down, or light level is too low
To take a good quality picture with the MyEye please ensure the following:
- The camera lens is directly in facing the text, and the lens is not obscured or dirty. The camera can only read text within its field of view.
- The text is at 90 degrees to the camera.
- If the user's neck is bent too far forward the device will misread the text and say that the text is upside down.
- There is good lighting.
- Even in daylight we recommend turning on as many lights as possible to ensure there is adequate lighting for the device to see the text.
- The text is in line with the center of the user's face
- The camera is calibrated to read the text from the center of the user's face, in line with the chin and nose.
- The user is holding the text still, and not moving their head as the device takes the picture.
- if this is difficult we recommend using a book stand.
If you are still having difficulties with reading, please submit a case to our support team:
- You can submit a case to our support team by clicking here: