List of Smart Reading Vocal Commands for the OrCam Read

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  • "Help"
    • OrCam will list all the Smart Reading vocal commands.
  • "Restart"
    • OrCam will recapture the image.
  • "Volume Up"/ "Speak Louder"
    • OrCam will raise its volume by one level.
  • "Volume Down"/ "Speak Softer"
    • OrCam will lower its volume by one level.
  • "Reading Speed Up"/ "Read Faster"
    • OrCam will read at a faster rate.
  • "Reading Speed Down"/ "Read Slower"
    •  OrCam will read at a slower rate.
  • "Read Everything"
    • OrCam will read all captured text.
  • "Start from ‘X’"/ "Jump to 'X'"
    • OrCam will start reading from the specified word.
      • Note: ‘X’ is a placeholder for the word you are searching.
  • "Find ‘X’"
    • OrCam will find and read all instances of the specified word.
      • Note: ‘X’ is a placeholder for the word you are searching.
  • "Read the Dates"
    • OrCam will read all dates listed.
  • "Read the Phone Numbers"
    • OrCam will read all phone numbers listed.
  • "Read the Amounts"
    • OrCam will read all currency amounts listed.
      • The currently supported currencies are:
        •  $ Dollar currencies
        • € Euro
        • £ British Pound
        • ¥ Japanese yen
  • "Read the Headlines"
    • OrCam will only read the headlines
    • "Read Article Number ‘X’"
      • OrCam will read the specified article, whether article one to ten.
        • Note: "X" can be numbers 1 to 10.
  • "Read the ‘X’ Article"
    • OrCam will read the article you specified, whether the first or tenth article.
      • Note: This command can be used up to the tenth article.
  • "Read the Article about ‘X’"
    • OrCam will read the article containing the specified word in the headline.
      • Note: "X" is a placeholder for the word you are searching.
  • "Repeat"
    • OrCam will read the current instance.
      • Note: This command works in tandem with all the reading commands.
  • "Previous"
    • OrCam will read the previous instance.
      • Note: This command does not work in tandem with the following commands:
      • "Read Everything"
      • "Start from ‘X’"
      • "Jump to ‘X’"
  • "Next"
    • OrCam will read the next instance.
      • Note: This command does not work in tandem with the following commands:
        • "Read Everything"
        • "Start from ‘X’"
        • "Jump to ‘X’"
  • "Exit"
    • OrCam will exit the Smart Reading feature.